Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sexy is Not Enough

As a woman, you also have to appear intelligent. Here are some things you can do to be able to look sexy and smart in front of a friend, spouse, or your boss:
  1. Learn the hot topics. And make opinions / views that are different and you definitely will look smarter than everyone else.
  2. Make conversation. Stay focused on the topic you know, and you'll appear more intelligent. 
  3. Use the questions. Give questions that you know the answer. Proceed immediately with the answers of others one explanation or another question, you'll look has understood the problem quickly. 
  4. Spend time with intelligent people. People will notice if you hang out with smart people around you. But do not talk much, except occasionally to ask, certainly with intelligent questions. 
  5. Expand vocabulary. Vocabulary that will impress more people. Language is a major part of functional intelligence. 
  6. Respect the opinions openly to others. When we appreciate others, they often will think you are more intelligent. 
  7. Learn a bit with many topics. Knowing many topics, although a bit not only make you better know, but it also helps you become more intelligent. 
  8. Choose the appropriate fashion. Clothing can reflect the self-esteem and one's life style and personality.

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